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Leo Liua'ana

Leo Liua'ana photo Leo Liua'ana

Leo is the founder and head trainer of HeadStrong Gym.

Leo comes with over 10+ years in the fitness industry as personal trainer. Leo qualified as a trainer over in London, England. Leo comes from a rugby union background. He started his rugby in Wellington New Zealand and travelled to England to play semi professional rugby and finally moving to Australia playing in Brisbane. Leo now focuses on bodybuilding and has competed over the last 4 years. 

It's not Leo's experience that makes him valuable its Leo's real life experience with depression and anxiety is what makes him valuable to the team. His experience and knowledge with getting through depression and anxiety is the number one reason for founding HeadStrong Gym. He believes exercise is one of the many pillars we all must include into our daily lifestyles to maintain good mental health.

Reserve a spot for The Winter Warrior

Reserve a spot for The Winter Warrior

Thank you for signing up to the Winter Warrior programme. We will be in touch soon and lets make this the healthiest winter so far.